Sponsor Our Spots.........SOS
These are the younger dogs that have been rescued by DAS but following assessment cannot be rehomed due to age, medical issues or behavioural issues.
They are the DAS Sanctuary dogs.
They will live out their lives being cared for and loved by us ... they are our family.
Each one has their own story to tell. Below is a snippet of what they have been through
If you would like to help us care for them please download and complete the form.
Thank you

I am Paloma.
I am 5 years old.
I am called Paloma after the singer cos I too am unique!
I came here because I was a naughty girl and 'bit' my first Mum so the vet said I should be killed.My family rang my Mum and asked her to help so I'm now living with her and my Dad.
When I met my Dad, I had a muzzle on cos I wanted to rip him to shreds but my Mum took it off me when we got back here and she sat talking to me telling me that it was going to be ok...I still wanted to eat her though. Then when all the other critters were inside, they let me out to explore and I went and sat with them cos really they are not that scary and Mum gave me some nice tasty things to eat.
Dad said I was beautiful and that they were going to help me not be scared anymore.
I have been here for nearly 2 years now and I am still scared sometimes and don’t like strangers cos I want to eat them. Mum has to put me inside when people come to visit but I love my brothers and sisters and adore my new Mum and Dad.
I am glad that my first Mum and Dad didn’t listen to the nasty vet and found my family to love me​
Kindly sponsored by
Margaret Lightfoot

I am Devon.
I am 5 years old.
I was reported to be aggressive but I am really very frightened ….. of everything.
I have played here and been a good boy. I have been ‘adopted’ twice but was too scared to stay and caused problems for my new family and they didn’t listen to the advice my Mum gave them and made me be even more scared so Mum brought me back home.
I feel safe now with Mum and Dad and they have said I can stay with them as they understand me and I trust them not to do anything bad to me.
I love them very much and am Mum’s shadow cos I follow her everywhere.​​
​Kindly sponsored by
Margaret Lightfoot
Sarah Weatherburn-Bird
Mark Hornsby
Claire Beresford
Ali Jordan
Laura and Lottie Gayne


I am Trooper Cooper.
I am 3 years old.
I fell out with my older hooman brother so am here with Mum and Dad now.​
My ears are broken too but I am really good at reading your eyes and hands.
I love to play with all my brothers and sisters and have lots of cuddles and my Mum Poppy lives here too.
Mum thinks I am made of rubber cos of all the silly positions I get in when I go to sleep.
​​Kindly sponsored by
Margaret Lightfoot
Kerry Wright

I am Fido.
I am 4 years young.
I was dumped in a perrera at a few months old...locked in a cold dark concrete cell on my own for months, just left to rot.
I was rescued and taken to foster where they said I hated all the other dogs and kept fighting with them.
I was then sent over here to the UK to a couple in their 70's who said I had knocked them over and bitten them..
Another rescue asked DAS for help and Mum said yes…..I came here because I was threatened to be PTS because it was reported that I was a nasty boy.
My Mum and Dad say I am the biggest, softest cheekiest boy .
I used to nip to get attention but I don’t do it anymore cos Mum told me it was naughty.
I love my life now.
Currently sponsored by
Claire Ord
Nicola James
Tracey Smart


I am MOuse.
I am 5 years young.
It is 3 years since my Mum came to collect me from the kennels, she had come the week before but I was reserved and then not collected
My life before that was not very good, I had been sold, passed around and dumped.
When I was 9 months old I became Dad to a litter of puppies and then was locked in a garage because they thought I was naughty and never did as I was told. That was because I couldn’t hear them talking/shouting at me……I am deaf.
Mum took me home and she said I squeaked in her ear all the way back so that’s when she called me MOuse!
I love my Mum and Dad and I know they love me. They say I am a character and very well behaved both on and off the lead.
Mum says that I am a blessing in her life even though I am deaf and I love being the DAS mascot.
Mum and Dad promised me and the kennels they got me from, that they would keep me, to stop me being passed around and being unhappy.
I love my Mum and Dad very much and I am a very happy boy here being a permanent DAS dog and playing with all by brothers and sisters.
Kindly sponsored by
Valerie Bayliss
Margaret Lightfoot
Pamela Hayes
Haribo RIP

I am Haribo.
I am now 8 years young.
I have lots of names, Harigob , Hairy Butt Mutt to name a few ….I am called Haribo cos I am the sweetest boy !​
I came here in September 2017 aged 5 from the North East, I was very overweight tipping the scales at 64kg. ​
Within 6 months, I had lost 20kg and could run !!
I was castrated far too young at 6 months old and as I am a stone former, I had to have a urethrostomy when I was 1 year old because I kept blocking.
I have arthritis in my joints and toes and walk strangely because of my hips.
When I arrived here I had a large horrific hole in one of my legs and my vet bills were astronomical and Mum said I was a waddling crock .... it’s a good job I had Mum as my nurse or I might not have got better.​
We went through some tough times together and Mum was scared I might have had to be PTS if my wounds got infected or did not heal. ​
Not only did she make my leg better she fed me smaller amounts and I lost weight so now I am a big lean boy.​
My hips still have problems and I have had laser treatment for it and also hydrotherapy..... I call it the acid bath ! ​
I am a lot bigger than some of my Dalmatian brothers and sisters and I still need painkillers and supplements to help my joints. ​
My Mum says I am a right royal pain in the bum sometimes but she still loves me and I totally love her and Dad.
Kindly sponsored by
Louise Avery
Lorraine Brightman
Kay Naylor

I am Logan.
I am 8 years young.
I have been with Mum and Dad for nearly 3 years.
My ears are broken cos I am deaf like some of my brothers here and sometimes I am naughty because I ignore Mum’s hands when she is trying to speak to me.​
Before I got here, I was dumped in some kennels in Lancashire but I was lucky cos Mum got someone to help get me out and come here. ​
It’s a good job she did cos I might have died otherwise.​
I wasn’t very well when I got here cos my wee had blood in it. ​
Mum rang the kennels but they said I wasn’t doing it there! ​
Anyway Mum took me to the vets to have my bits chopped off and he said I had no stones, so that was good. ​
I now eat Dr John Silver food and have it floated to help me not get any stones.
I am a loving and gentle boy at home but take me out of it and I want to eat anything smaller than me.
I don’t know why, it just happens, so I cannot go anywhere else to live.
I am part of the crocodile gang and always in the middle of playtime.
I love it here and I love my Mum and Dad very much.
Kindly sponsored by
Lynne Coxon
Anne O'Hear
I am Denzel.
I am 3 years old.
I also have broken ears.
I am here cos I was a really naughty boy in my old home, I used to bite my family and visitors and they loved me but thought I needed to come here to DAS to stop me from being PTS.
I wanted to go home in the first few days and used to cry a lot and try to get out but my new Mum used to get up and watch the sun come up with me to try to stop me crying.
I was naughty at first and wanted to bite Mum and Dad but I am ok now cos I trust them and I am learning what I can and can’t do in the house …chairs at the table are for hoomans only!
I have lots of friends to play with here and Cooper is my new best mate, we like to play bitey face a lot and chase each other around over the hay bales.​
I also love to play with the Danes and Chumlee the Sarplaninac​
I met my new Gran and hooman brother at Christmas and loved them too
I have to eat special dalmatian food that costs DAS £45 a month as I have a delicate tummy
Kindly sponsored by
Charlotte McConnachie
Leon Meare
I am Scooter.
I am 8 years young.​
Mum says I am a nutter cos I am a little bit unpredictable ….. I like to make scary noises and want to eat you when
I have food.
I have an odd shaped skull cos something happened to me when I was a puppy and Mum thinks that may be why
I am like I am.​ Her and Dad still love me though.​
I love to go out to the beach and the woods cos children love me and I get lots of cuddles off them and I can run around,
Kindly sponsored by
Helen Greenan
Shonee Bowtell
Lawrence, Lorraine & Catherine Curry


I am Snogga
I am 7 years old.
I also have broken ears.
I came from the same place as Tatty and Panda.​
My Mum and Dad were told in a phone call that I was a dalmatian x great dane so I was put on the transport van to come here.
I was bored and frightened in the van so I ate the front of the cage.
I got out of the van and they wondered what I was cos I am an American Bulldog!!
Tatty and the others went to bed when we got here but I was very scared so we played ball in the field at 05.30, that was fun!
My Mum has called me Snogga cos all I want to do is kiss you …. I am a very gentle boy but have had a bad life.
I have lots of new friends to play now
I love to roll in the dirt !!
Kindly sponsored by
Elizabeth Surl

Odin RIP

I am Odin.
I am 7 years old.
I came to stay at DASVILLE because my family split up and my Mum and hooman sister had to move to another country.
They were heartbroken at having to leave me.
They cared for me so well as I have broken kidneys and need lots of medicines and special diet, I am a very poorly boy but look very well.
When I have a relapse of my condition, I must stay in the vet hospital, so my care costs a lot of money.
Auntie Sue asked the DAS family if they would help with my care and within a couple of days lots of lovely people had offered help.
My Mum, Auntie Sue and I are so grateful to them all for allowing me to come here to be loved and cared for for the rest of my days.
I like to wander in the fields and I have many friends here ..... I have a favourite place to sit and watch the RedKites flying around
Kindly sponsored by
Christine Smithson
A E Havenhand
Sue Lee
Ali Jordan

I am Daisy
I am possibly 9 years old
I am here as my family didn't have time for me anymore.
I have epilespy and my Mum is now giving me the medication I need to try to help me and my vets are looking after me too.
I am a cheeky girl who really likes it if you feed me ..... I like one biscuit at a time and to drop bits everywhere, my Mum laughs at me.
I have lots of brothers and sisters here at DAS and there is always someone to play with and my Mum and Dad give me lots of cuddles
Kindly Sponsored by
Angela Johannes
Rita Gunn

I am Poppy, the lemon spot
I am 7 years old
I was given away to someone who after having me for nearly a year, they said I was aggressive and always attacking their dog and that they were going to have me euthanised.
The person that gave me away got in touch with my Mum and I came here to live at DAS.
I'm not an aggressive dog, I just like to play like a boy and my new best friend is a huge Great Dane called Bagel....we bounce around the field together :)
I am Mum to Cooper who is also here, we like to snuggle up but I don't know if he knows I am his Mum
I am a very happy girl and my tail never stops wagging

I am Louie
I am 9 years old
I am at DAS as I no longer get on with my spotty sister, I don't know why but I hurt her.
I am a stone former and had a urethrostomy done when I was 2 years old.
I am now fed on Dr John Silver,chicken and veg like my other brothers here who are stone formers.
I am a new boy here so when I have been here a while, my new Mum will tell you all about me
Kindly sponsored by
Oscar Eldridge, aged 7
Maggie Gunn