We are all DAS Dalmatians Sanctuary Kids.
We have all been rescued by DAS and after assessment can no longer be rehomed.
We are cared for, loved and live as part of the family with Mum and Dad here at DASVILLE.
We all have a tale to tell and below is a little snippet of our stories.
Whatever traumas we have been through we are all still here, all still loved and all still have a sofa to sit on, thanks to DAS.
Our 'keep' is expensive and if we get poorly the doctor at the vets charges Mum and Dad a lot of money.
So if you can help to care for us, we would be very grateful.
Please download and fill in the form by clicking this box.
There can be nothing more rewarding than making the last years of a dal's life the best they can be
My face may be white but my heart is pure gold. There is no shame in growing old
The Oldies ... Over 10's
Kindly sponsored by
Sandra Morrison
Margot Lewis
Andy & Lisa White
We are 13 1/2 years young.
We are brother and sister and have always been together.
Sadly our first Mum died and we needed a place to call home together, so DAS offered, we don't want to be separated.
Unfortunately, we had 2 litters of puppies together before we were neutered.
ZAKKY : I am a stone former and have had quite a few procedures done in the past but I didn't see a vet for 3 years so never had my medication to take .... I was struggling to wee a little bit when I got here but Mum has put me on Dr John Silver and floats my food so now I am ok. I am also a bit unpredictable and like to bite both hoomans and other dogs but I am getting better as Mum is teaching me that it is naughty to bite.
ZENA: I am covered in old bite marks from Zak and the puppy that was kept. I am a quiet little girl and all want to do is have cuddles and give you kisses......thankfully, Zak does not attack me anymore.
Very sadly Zena now has dementia but we are giving her supplements to try to help her and as my old boy Thor had dementia, we know what we are dealing with and will make sure she gets the care and love she deserves.
They both now take NSAID's and supplements to help joints.
Zak is now going having laser treatment regularly as he has stiff joints and his back end is not what it used to be.
Zena also likes to relax and be zapped :)
Kindly sponsored
The Curry family
Amanda Doyle
I am 10 years young.​
Mum says I am a nutter cos I am a little bit unpredictable ….. I like to make scary noises and want to eat you when I have food.
I have an odd shaped skull cos something happened to me when I was a puppy ....a child put it's hand near my food, I didn't bite it though but I got severely beaten and my head was kicked.
My Mum thinks that may be why I am like I am .... Before and after I have my food, I like to tell you to get lost cos it's my food, not yours. My Mum says she understands cos if someone tried to take her food away, she'd growl too !
Mum and Dad still love me though and I love them .... I like to do an Elvis smile when they come home and jump up but I'm very good, I don't jump up with my feet, I shoulder barge you :)
I love to go out to the beach and the woods cos children love me and I get lots of cuddles off them and I can run around
The older Scooter is getting, the more unpredictable he is with his food .... he is such a strange critter but we adore him
Sponsored in loving memory of Sandra Arrowsmith.......
Sandra loved our grumbly bum Scooter and he stayed with her before coming to us....he freaked Deb out wth his noisey antics but San just took him in her stride
We miss her xxx
Kindly sponsored
Maggie Gunn
Lorraine Brightman
Melissa Masters
I am 11 1/2 years young
I am at DAS as I no longer get on with my spotty sister, I don't know why but I hurt her.
I am a stone former and had a urethrostomy done when I was 2 years old.
I am now fed on Dr John Silver, chicken and veg like my other brothers here who are stone formers.
Louie Lou Lou ..... he is one of the cheeky ones who loves to play bow you, tell you off and smile to melt your heart.
Unfortunately, he can be unpredictable with other dogs and bite ..... usually with no warning.
Getting to know Louie and what makes him tick is challenging but he is settled now and one of the gang
July 2021:
Unfortunately, Louie had the doggy equivalent to a human Bells Palsy and the left hand side of his face is affected.
He has also been diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy
Kindly Sponsored
Angela Johannes
Rita Gunn
Elizabeth Drury
Nicki Bamber
I am 10 years old
I am here as my family didn't have time for me anymore.
I have epilepsy and my Mum is now giving me the medication I need to try to help me and my vets are looking after me too.
I am a cheeky girl who really likes it if you feed me ..... I like one biscuit at a time and to drop bits everywhere, my Mum laughs at me.
I have lots of brothers and sisters here at DAS and there is always someone to play with and my Mum and Dad give me lots of cuddles
Daisy has now been spayed as it was thought that her epilepsy could have been made worse by hormones.
She had one set of cluster seizures after being on Epirepress for a few weeks, her bloods were good too.
She has only has a single seizure in the last month so her meds have been slightly increased to 1 3/4 tablets twice per day so that will be reviewed if she has another seizure.
Unfortunately, Daisy continues to have seizures and is now taking 4 tablets per day to help her.........her last 2 were very violent and prolonged.
UPDATE 07/07/2021:
Daisy Doodies now takes both Epirepress and Libromide and we have finally managed to get her dose right and as of today ...
9th February 2022 : 1 year seizure free !!
Daisy's medication now costs us £95 per month
I am 10 1/2 years old now.
I have been used to breed but it's not known how many litters I had.
I had lived with a family for 2 years but they got 2 new puppies and we all started to fall out ....... hormones were raging and I was covered in bites when I got here.
I am terrified if you raise your hand near me, I fall to the floor.
I am terrified if you shout near me, I will run off and try to hide.....hoomans have not been nice to me in the past.
Mum and Dad are kind to me and I am starting to trust them cos I now sometimes give them kisses.
My best friend here is a Great Dane called Bagel, I snuggle up with her and go to sleep.
My Dad called me Pyg as I am so tiny, I'm only about 16kg but I have a huge personality
Kindly sponsored
Kay Naylor
Simon Heald
Kindly Sponsored by
Joanne Ayling
Shirley Plummer
Charlotte McConnachie
I am 10 1/2 years old
My family couldn't look after me anymore cos they didn't want to see me die when it eventually happens so here I am at DASville with Mum and Dad.... I'm a Mummy's boy.
My Mum and Dad don't want to see me die either but they have promised me they will be with me and giving me kisses.
I am a big lad but Mum put me on a diet when I arrived so I am slowly losing weight, I was 45kg last week when I went to see the vet so I am losing some.
I have so many things wrong with me.....arthritis, possible Degenerative Myelopathy, very wobbly legs, I can't really feel me left legs very well, I like to chew my right front leg, I get horrible ear infections but you know what ? My Mum adores me and tries to make me feel better and my Dad zappies me with the laser too.
I couldn't walk very well when I arrived but now I love to be outside and I can waddle around the field and also I am starting to run a little bit .... down the hill is easier !
Mum has put me onto lots of meds and things to help me and gives me lots of cuddles cos I can have bad days with my legs
UPDATE 01/01/2022
I am going to have my yakky ear hoovered out by my lovely vet Jourdan on Friday cos there are nasty bugs they won't clear up.
I am also losing weight, I had lost 6.6kg when I last got weighed on 16th Dec ...... I feel so much better cos I too can now run in the field.
This is not what we were expecting to do this morning ........................
At 11.12 am today we said goodbye to our precious boy Mr Nimoy also known as Nimmy NImmy and Smiley Miley.
Yesterday his back end suddenly paralysed, no trauma or accident, it just went. After resting for 12 hours, it was obvious it was permanent damage.
He went to sleep on his Dad's knee with me cradling his face telling him how much we loved him at that we'd always miss him..... he smiled right to the end.
Our hearts are smashed to pieces again, he is so missed already.
This smiley little face greeted you every time he saw you and looking out of the door curtain to see what you were doing are some of our lasting memories.
Being his Mum and Dad for only 12 weeks was no where near long enough but we are so glad we got to love him and care for him.
Fly high precious boy.
We will never forget you sweat heart.
We love you Nimmy
Mum & Dad
My name is Nimoy
I was 13 on 9th November
I am here at DAS cos I am not allowed in the house anymore and was living in shed .........
I spent my first night here last night snuggled and snoring on a big quilt and I slept like a baby. I woke up once and barked and my Mum came to see me ... I gave her a HUGE smile... she cried and hugged me.
I keep going outside and standing out there asking to come in but Mum says I don't have to ask....this is my home now so I can go where I want to !
I'm a little bit skinny and have lumps and bumps, my leggies are a bit it weak but I've been outside in the yard and there's a field to play in ..... I might be able to run in there soon.
I have poorly teefies and gums .......... Mum says she's going to wear a gas mask for kisses but she's going to take me to the vets to see how I can be helped and for an MOT.
I am a very friendly boy and smile lots when you say my name.
I have lots of brothers and sisters now to play with and to sniff........I think I'm going to like it here
UPDATE 01/01/2022
Nimoy is going to be having major dental work done on the 20th as most of his teefies are rotten.
Since he arrived on 7th December, this adorable old man has blossomed and loves nothing better than to be outside sniffing for bunnies in the field.... he can now run too !
Update 20/01/2022:
Nimmy had to have 24 teefies removed as they were so bad.
I am pleased to say he's made a full recovery and is still smiling !
Kindly sponsored
Elizabeth Surl
Louise Avery
I am 10 years old.
I also have broken ears.
I came from the same place as Tatty in May 2019. We were removed by the police for being neglected.
My Mum and Dad were told in a phone call that I was a dalmatian x great dane so I was put on the transport van to come here.
I was bored and frightened in the van so I ate the front of the cage.
I got out of the van and they wondered what I was cos I am an American Bulldog!!
Tatty and the others went to bed when we got here but I was very scared so we played ball in the field at 05.30, that was fun!
My Mum has called me Snogga cos all I want to do is kiss you …. I am a very gentle boy but have had a bad life.
I have lots of new friends to play now and am a very happy boy.
I love to roll in the dirt !!
Snogga and Donkey now have to be separated as for some reason they want to kill each other when they are together so one is in, one is out and change over is at all 3 of their meal times
I am 10 years old.​
I have not been here very long but so far I like it and am making friends with all the others
I came here because my Dad didn't have time to walk me anymore and I can be arsey with new dogs.
I am still being assessed by Auntie Sue at the moment and she will write more about me later
Biscuit has been here over a year now and has settled into sanctuary life very well.
He can still be an absolute little bugger with new dogs but does let them be his friend eventually.
He loves nothing more than to roll in the mud and wet grass and turn himself into a chocolate Biscuit
Sponsored by
Ivor Grayson Smith
Matt & Rachel Ryznar
Ingrid Baker
Our hearts have been healed by your love and our worlds have changed forever.
Thank you
​Kindly sponsored
Margaret Lightfoot
Sarah Weatherburn-Bird
Ali Jordan
Laura and Lottie Gayne
Maria Robinson
I am 6 years old.
I was reported to be aggressive but I am really very frightened ….. of everything.
I was ‘adopted’ twice but was too scared to stay ... they didn’t listen to the advice my Mum gave them and made me be even more scared so Mum brought me back home.
I was so scared when one lady was shouting at me that I bit her arm as she pointed at me.
I feel safe now with Mum and Dad and they have said I can stay with them as they understand me and I trust them not to do anything bad to me.
I have been here for 3 years now.
I love them very much and am Mum’s shadow cos I follow her everywhere.​​
Kindly sponsored
Valerie Bayliss
Margaret Lightfoot
Liz Ormerod
The Clayborough Family
I am 7 years old.
It is 5 years since my Mum came to collect me from the kennels, she had come the week before but I was reserved and then not collected.
My life before that was not very good, I had been sold, passed around and dumped.
When I was 9 months old I became Dad to a litter of puppies and then was locked in a garage because they thought I was naughty and never did as I was told. That was because I couldn’t hear them talking/shouting at me……I am deaf.
Mum took me home and she said I squeaked in her ear all the way back so that’s when she called me MOuse!
I love my Mum and Dad and I know they love me. They say I am a character and very well behaved both on and off the lead.
Mum says that I am a blessing in her life even though I am deaf and I love being the DAS mascot.
Mum and Dad promised me and the kennels they got me from, that they would keep me, to stop me being passed around and being unhappy.
I love my Mum and Dad very much and I am a very happy boy here being a permanent DAS dog and playing with all by brothers and sisters.
UPDATE ON MOuse, 15/11/20
Very sadly MOuse has been diagnosed with Epilepsy. He had his first seizure on his 6th birthday on 26th October and has had several since then.....the tests conclude that he is epileptic :(
He is now taking medication to help control it and will be having bloods done in a few weeks to make sure the levels are in range
MOuse's meds cost £50 per month
Kindly sponsored
Anne O'Hear
Diane Farrell
Laughlin Brown
I am 9 years young.
I have been with Mum and Dad for 5 years.
My ears are broken cos I am deaf like some of my brothers here and sometimes I am naughty because I ignore Mum’s hands when she is trying to speak to me.​
Before I got here, I was dumped in some kennels in Lancashire but I was lucky cos Mum got someone to help get me out and come here, it’s a good job she did cos I might have died otherwise.​....I wasn’t very well when I got here cos my wee had blood in it. ​
Mum rang the kennels but they said I wasn’t doing it there! ​
Anyway Mum took me to the vets to have my bits chopped off and he said I had no stones, so that was good. ​
I now eat Dr John Silver food and have it floated to help me not get any stones.
I am a loving and gentle boy at home but take me out of it and I want to eat anything smaller than me.
I don’t know why, it just happens, so I cannot go anywhere else to live.
I am part of the crocodile gang and always in the middle of playtime.
I love it here and I love my Mum and Dad very much.
Kindly sponsored
Margaret Lightfoot
Ilaria Valenzuela
I am 9 years old and a lemon spot
I was given away to someone who after having me for nearly a year, they said I was aggressive and always attacking their dog and that they were going to have me euthanised.
The person that gave me away got in touch with my Mum and I came here to live at DAS.
I'm not really an aggressive dog, I just like to play like a boy and my new best friend is a huge Great Dane called Bagel....we bounce around the field together :)
I am Mum to Cooper who is also here, we like to snuggle up but I don't know if he knows I am his Mum
I am a very happy girl and my tail never stops wagging
​​Kindly sponsored
Margaret Lightfoot
Kerry Wright
Joyce Barlow
Simon Heald
I am 4 years old.
I fell out with my older hooman brother when I was 1 year old so am here with Mum and Dad now and the vet said I should be euthanised.
My ears are broken too but I am really good at reading your eyes and hands.
I love to play with all my brothers and sisters and have lots of cuddles and my Mum Poppy lives here too.
Mum thinks I am made of rubber cos of all the silly positions I get in when I go to sleep.
I also like to cuddle up to my sisters here and the big brown dane Bagel
Kindly sponsored
Claire Ord
Nicola James
Tracey Smart
Sandra Morrison
I am 4 1/2 years old.
I was dumped in a perrera at a few months old...locked in a cold dark concrete cell on my own for months, just left to rot.
I was rescued and taken to foster where they said I hated all the other dogs and kept fighting with them.
I was then sent over here to the UK to a couple in their 70's who said I had knocked them over and bitten them..
Another rescue asked DAS for help and Mum said yes…..I came here because I was threatened to be PTS because it was reported that I was a nasty boy.
My Mum and Dad say I am the biggest, softest cheekiest boy .
I used to nip to get attention but I don’t do it anymore cos Mum told me it was naughty.
I love my life now...... I have been here for 4 years now.
Was Lucky from Bahrain
This is Luca's story.................
We were alerted to the plight of a dalmatian in a shelter in Bahrain so Sue contacted the lady who was asking for help for him....that lady is the wonderful Danni.
Luca's age is not really known but his background is ........... he was beaten and abused so badly by his owner that due to his injuries, he had to have his left hind leg amputated.
Despite only having 3 legs, he does a mean Linford impression !!
Luca was in the shelter for a few years and was sponsored by a lady called Marion who volunteers there.
He was one of the invisible ones.......he learned to not draw attention to himself to stay out of trouble ..... other dogs used to steal his food and blankets.
We offered him a place with us at DAS and were so amazed at the kindness and generosity of our wonderful DAS family of supporters.......you raised over £2000 in a few days to get him to us.
Marion and Danni sorted everything out in Bahrain and Danni collected Luca from the shelter and fostered him for a month before he flew to the UK.... getting him used to being in a house, other dogs, a feeding routine, going for walks and accepting kindness from humans.
He arrived at Heathrow on 17th September and enjoyed the very long journey with Dave home to us ........ sitting looking out of the window for most of the 6 hours.
Well, little Mr Scaredy Pants arrived and spent a couple of weeks in our stable......leather sofa, crate full of feather duvets, heater, garden with a view into the field and yard.
He needed that time to know we weren't going to make him do something he didn't want to and so he could get used to being here.
He took food out of my hand while living in the back of the crate and let me feed him 3 times a day.....we both spent a lot of time in there with him just sat on the sofa talking to him.
Eventually curiosity got the better of him and he started to come out to see what was going on more and more so we decided he could meet our kids in stages.
Fast forward to today 29th October:
Luca has been in the house with us for about 3 weeks now and is one of the kids and is gaining confidence every day...he likes to peep around the corner of the kitchen wall at me but if I say his name, he does a Linford back to bed.
He is such a funny little boy...........
He goes straight out for a wee if asked by Dave yet runs away from him...he won't go out when I ask him.
He now loves an ear rub and stroke and doesn't cower away from me yet cowers from Dave.
He gets so excited at meal times..... his eyes light up, his ears go up and he waits for his turn.
He goes into the field on his own now for an explore.
He likes to sniff and nose bump the other kids but also has big teefies to tell them off with.
I don't think we will ever work out how he ticks but he has made so much progress in the short time he's been here, we are so proud of him.
We have no idea if he will ever mix properly or play or truly accept us or cuddle us but one thing is for sure.......
We will never give up on him and adore our new son.
THANK YOU ......
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated, gave us items to raffle and auction, have sent coats for him and supported us and continue to do so.
Without you, we can not do what we do
Luca is kindly sponsored by
Danielle Hunnyball
The Amey Family
Barbara Jedrzejczyk
Ilaria ​Valenzuela
Kindly sponsored
Margaret Lightfoot
SJ Townsend
L O'Hara
I am 8 years old.
I am called Paloma after the singer cos I too am unique!
I came here because I was a naughty girl and 'bit' my first Mum so the vet said I should be killed. My family rang my Mum and asked her to help so I'm now living with her and my Dad.
When I met my Dad, I had a muzzle on cos I wanted to rip him to shreds but my Mum took it off me when we got back here and she sat talking to me telling me that it was going to be ok...I still wanted to eat her though. Then when all the other critters were inside, they let me out to explore and I went and sat with them cos really they are not that scary and Mum gave me some nice tasty things to eat.
Dad said I was beautiful and that they were going to help me not be scared anymore.
I have been here for nearly 4 years now and I am still scared sometimes and don’t like strangers cos I want to eat them. Mum has to put me inside when people come to visit but I love my brothers and sisters and adore my new Mum and Dad.
I am glad that my first Mum and Dad didn’t listen to the nasty vet and found my family to love me​
Kindly sponsored
Danni Hunneyball
Spider is 5 years old.
He is here as his owner sadly has a terminal disease.
Where do we start with him ?
Spider is called Spider for a reason .... we changed his name after he had been here for a few days.
He can climb a 10 foot fence and plop over the top.
He can jump over a 7 foot fence from a sitting start.
He can climb up deer fencing.
He lets himself in and out of the kitchen by climbing over the gate.
Despite leaving him inside, by the time you get half way up the track along side the field he's there smiling at you !
Get the idea now ?
He is the biggest pain in the arse that we have ever had the pleasure of having live with us and despite me wanting to kill his several times a day, he is loved very much by us both.
We offered him for adoption with very strict criteria but unfortunately, people did not understand what TOTALLY SECURE meant so .....
Spider is a permanent resident here at the Sanctuary to keep him safe.
When we accept a dog, we make a life long commitment to that dog to keep it safe for the rest of it's life.
We would never forgive ourselves if he went somewhere and got out and had an accident or caused an accident cos we know he would.
For some bizarre reason, this boy is a hell of a nosey parker and just has to explore
Spider, we love you and will do our best for you forever